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15 Norfolk Entries
+ 15 FREE Norfolk Entries
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40 Norfolk Entries
+ 15 FREE Norfolk Entries
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85 Norfolk Entries
+ 15 FREE Norfolk Entries
15 Extra Entries


320 Norfolk Entries
+ 15 FREE Norfolk Entries
15 Extra Entries

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*This offer ends on 9th February 2025 at 23:59:59 GMT.

Omaze guarantees to make a minimum charitable donation of £1,000,000 to Comic Relief. Omaze UK Limited is the promoter of the Norfolk II House Draw with Charity Projects (operating as Comic Relief) (“Comic Relief”) (registered charity no. 326568 in England and Wales and no. SC039730 in Scotland) being the charitable beneficiary. Over one third of sales goes to charity and VAT. Omaze guarantees 17% of sales from the Norfolk II House Draw will go to the charity. Irrespective of sales, Omaze has guaranteed a minimum total payment of £1,000,000 for Comic Relief. UK residents and over 18s only. The Norfolk II House Draw closes on 23rd February 2025. No purchase necessary.

The Grand Prize Winner of the Norfolk II House Draw may be featured on the Red Nose Day 2025 TV programme.